Giampiero Campanelli
Professor Giampiero Campanelli is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Insubria and Head of the Department of General Surgery of the Department of Day & Week Surgery Istituto Clinico Sant’Ambrogio and Director of the Hernia Center in Milan: The first University Research Center of the Graduate School. Specializes in abdominal wall pathologies and reparative surgery in two institutions: Casa di Cura La Madonnina and Istituto Clinico Sant’Ambrogio.
Throughout his career, Professor Campanelli has gained considerable experience in the field of general surgery in various Italian and international organizations. Thus, he becomes a pioneer of minimally invasive abdominal hernia surgery, in addition to routine abdominal surgery, and develops new surgical approaches and methods for reconstruction/restoration of inguinal hernias and abdominal wall MILA; HUG; PIPS (inguinal pubic pain syndrome) minimally invasive techniques under local, laparoscopic and robotic anesthesia.
His academic and professional life was accompanied by scientific activity, which resulted in invitations as a speaker or operating surgeon to international congresses and societies in which he holds prestigious positions, such as, among others: President of the European Hernia Society (EHS) and Secretary General of the same Society. To this should be added his activities as the founder and president of the Day Surgery Foundation, honorary member of the APHS (Asia Pacific Hernia Society), Honorary President of the AMHES Africa – Middle East Hernia Society and Honorary member of the German Hernia Society.
In addition, Professor Campanelli holds the prestigious position of editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal “HERNIA”, published by Springer Nature.
He has also received numerous national and international awards, such as the Giuseppe Guidetti Award for the best scientific work presented at the 1st National Congress of the Italian Society of Geriatric Surgery; the Youth Forum Award (Golden Plate) within the framework of the 90th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery; the Merck Sharp Dome Award as a young researcher, awarded during the 27th World Congress, held every two years by the International Congress of Surgeons of Sao Paolo do Brazil; the Giuseppe Zannini Award, awarded by The Italian Multidisciplinary Society of Young Surgeons to personalities who gave prestige to the country, during the Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery, and many others.
To these should be added certificates of appreciation and recognition received from the most prestigious national and international societies, such as the Italian Society of Surgery, the American Hernia Society, the Japanese Hernia Society, the Turkish Hernia Society and the Lebanese Society for General Surgery.
Having performed more than 10,000 procedures, Professor Giampiero Campanelli can be proud of the extensive international experience of a specialist surgeon in the treatment of inguinal hernias and abdominal wall hernias, to his credit 354 scientific publications and participation as a speaker or live surgery in 614 national and international conferences.
Finally, Professor Campanelli, together with the Day Surgery Foundation headed by him, has carried out more than 20 humanitarian missions in the most disadvantaged countries of the world.